Good morning Tina: YOU MAY PUBLISH THIS EMAIL ALONG WITH IT’S CONTACT INFORMATION AND ATTACHED PICTURES. My current measurements are 39×42.5×41 which is a total increase of nearly 1.5 inches since beginning Natureday six months ago. My breasts definitely feel and look better. The growth has been gradual but constant. I have been using the liquid (one full dropper twice a day and mixing a few drops with my moisturizer and messaging it into each breast) for the past two months. I have kept a weekly journal of my progress using Natureday products on my blog SECRET DESIRES when viewing my blog please click on the “pages” tab on the top right corner of the main article; or click on the “My Journal” link at the end of the article. Please visit my blog for a comprehensive study of growing breasts naturally. THANK YOU NATUREDAY FOR A FANTASTIC PRODUCT. Emoji Regards Billie