Hello, Started taking the liquid and pills back on Feb 21st. I measured 38 under and 40 1/2 across the nipples. The first week I noticed a difference with the same feelings others have described. With that, it has been almost 3 weeks and my nipples are more sensitive. I have noticed more ‘bounce’ when walking, hitting a bump while driving, etc. Love the feeling of them bouncing around. I know this does work, even though it has been slow. I ran out of the liquid this past saturday and only have the pills left. I should have enough for a week, if I don’t take them twice a day lol. I am now at 38 in under and 41 1/8 across the nipples. Going to have to save up some $ to get some more as I am not quite where I want to be. Looking to get to about a full c cup. Thanks again J. (To admin: Please don’t use name or email in testimonial)