I just purchased the 6 month fulfillment. I have only be using it for 3 days but i can already fill it working. I have been taking the pills 3 at twice daily and 1 drop of liquid in my milk twice daily and 2 drops on each breast daily. My breast already fill puffier...
I am a male with gynecomastia and love and adore my breastswhen my breast buds started growing larger I was so very tickled pink I went out and got my first training brai told my wife that I wanted big tits like hers she was very happy for me and supported me and...
I have been using your products for about 10 days and I have already seen results. Not drastic results but my breasts look rounder and just fuller and they feel heavier too. I made another order yesterday as I am running out of my supply. During my time using...
I have been using the soap, liquid every day, the pills every day and the Creme, twice a day. I guessthat is correct. Now, for the record.I have only measured 1 1/2 inch growth in 6 months. I should have measured at least 6 inches in that time, according to the other...
I have been using the liquid 2 droppers for both morning and night. Along with pills and cream and soap. Im getting close to where i would like to be will the pills keep up the growth rate along with cream and soap. What is the best method to keep what i have now? Any...