Importance of Magnesium.

Magnesium is a common element produced in the Earth; and consumed by mankind.

Magnesium is an essential for humankind. Our bodies depend on magnesium in order to perform many tasks we do daily; over 300 chemical reactions to be more precise. Many systems of the body use Magnesium to work properly.

Functions Assisted by Magnesium

Your muscles break down the mineral to use as fuel to tighten your muscles. Magnesium is a factor that plays into keeping your heart beating rhythmically.

Magnesium can help with the nervous system which directly correlates with positive effects on your hormones and feminine health.

Magnesium boosts your immune system allowing you to fight germs and illnesses floating in the air you breathe. An immunity boost is important year-round although especially crucial during flu seasons; and in order to prepare for a surgery.

Along with Calcium Magnesium assists in the formation of bones within the body. Increasing your Magnesium and Calcium intake can help heal broken or fractured bones. Magnesium supplements can help heal bones faster because bone houses over half your body’s Magnesium.

A deficiency of Magnesium can cause health conditions such as hypomagnesaemia. This condition is commonly found in regions where there’s high amounts of refined foods. Due to the consumption of refined foods that don’t have Magnesium. This can be fixed by a change in diet.

If a human is having a deficiency in Magnesium, they are consuming roughly no Magnesium. The human kidneys have this amazing characteristic that ensures we do not lose all our built-up Magnesium; by being able to control and reduce the amount of Magnesium we urinate.

Sources of Magnesium

You can find Magnesium is many places on the food pyramid.

It’s not hard to incorporate this element within your diet due to it being such a high element within the Earth. Being the 8th most common element.

Fruits and Vegetables

Magnesium can be found in fruits and vegetables such as spinach, bananas, avocados, Lima beans, and chard.

Nuts and Proteins

Along, with the abundance of Magnesium rich fruits and vegetables you can find it in multiple sources of nuts and proteins. For example, almonds, Tofu, peanut butter, pumpkin seeds, legumes, quinoa, beans, Halibut, cashews, and sunflower seeds.

Other Magnesium Dense Foods

Other forms of Magnesium dense food examples are items such as oatmeal, molasses, whole wheat bread, and dark chocolate. Along with other foods that contain Magnesium just not in abundance as the above foods.

Having such an array of foods that contain this element is crucial due to the amount needed in consumption per day. The human body calls for a large amount of Magnesium a day simply because we use it constantly just living.

If there’s so many Magnesium dense foods, why are so many people having a deficiency?

With growing numbers of deficiency in this particular element it’s easy to see something wrong with this math. Our body calls for this element in over 300 ways. Yet, more and more people are being diagnosed with a deficiency.

Cooking It Out

People are boiling and cooking more and more vegetables and fruits rather than keeping them at their natural state. This stripes some of its nutrients.

Soil Conditions

Due to the heavy pesticide’s farmers are depleting their soil. Therefore, depleting their crop of the elements it may have once had. Pesticides are getting stronger killing off even the good in the soil rather than just what may harm the plants.

Health Issues

As mentioned before health issues can cause a big interruption in the ability to keep a healthy amount of Magnesium. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetics have a hard time keeping magnesium within their system due to the excessive alcohol they constantly have in their body.


Smoking cigarettes reduces the concentration of Magnesium inside your plasma. As people start smoking earlier and earlier in life from all these different devices it’s causing a larger generation with less plasma.


Some medications are causing a depletion of Magnesium within the human body.

As there are more ways within the list you get the picture. There as so many more things this world has to offer although everything comes with a price.

What About Magnesium Supplements?

People with chronic illnesses or immune disease are often the ones that need a supplement of Magnesium in order to have the necessary amount within their body.

Other than people who have illness of diseases stopping their bodies from enduring enough Magnesium people in the world today are eating too much processed and refined foods. Foods that have little to no health benefits due to striping to meet supply and demand.

Although, if you have a chronic illness or immune disease never take it amongst yourself to place a Magnesium supplement in your daily schedule.

This can make your symptoms worsen.

Magnesium supplements can be purchased at many stores around you. People are often misled and completely unaware when purchasing a magnesium pill; because they are commonly named as “super-pills.” They are given this name simply because of the wide variety of uses and needs that Magnesium supplies. Some of the sales tags will include relief of muscle tension, low energy, bone health, and trouble sleeping. While they are not lying this sales tag sounds too good to be true.

While you may find that you are showing signs of symptoms of a magnesium deficiency the only way to truly be diagnosed is to have a blood test ran. You may ask your doctor to give you one and they shall be able to tell you if you need a Magnesium boost or if it’s something else. 


Magnesium is essential for humankind. Helping or maintaining many parts of the human body. It is important to correlate healthy high Magnesium foods into your daily diet. If you feel as if you may have low Magnesium levels it is important to contact your doctor and see if you need to incorporate a Magnesium pill into your daily routine. As Magnesium deficiencies rise it’s important to eat local and try to eliminate factors that play into this issue. Remember Magnesium runs over 300 parts of your body.